This March, I was lucky enough to attend the National CUE Conference in Palm Springs, California! In case you didn't know, CUE stands for "Computer Using Educator." I went with five colleagues, and we gained so many ideas from this opportunity. While attending the many different sessions, I:
- got tips on how to start this blog
- learned how to create an infographic
- got SO MANY mind-blowing tips from Leslie Fisher
- started making a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story using Google Forms (link coming soon!)
- got tools to help students demonstrate their learning and ideas
- learned several different apps/websites that can support my students with reading and writing disabilities
It is so important that we as teachers do our best not to limit our students, regardless of their ability/disability. Even though it may feel impossible to guide certain students to the level of proficiency that is expected, we must continue trying new strategies that might help them make that necessary connection. This idea will be the concept of this blog.
Follow me on Twitter at @MrsWendyKing to get more regular updates on my classroom and attempts at innovation. Look for more posts coming here soon as I try ideas out!